Counter Strike - Alliance of Valiant Arms adalah salah satu game mod counter strike, yang mirip dengan game Alliance of Valiant Arms. Game ini bisa dimainkan Online maupun Offline.
- 3 Class character (Sniper man, Point Man, Rifle Man), each class will be available one the gun - No Launcher (Because only a test, so I had to remove Launcher, because Launcher is make Mission-style perform tasks firearms, which in beta is already available and)
- Admin Rights of player still be appreciated (many not be blocked .. )
- India 2 time Forward (movies) and will stay with the sprint (Sprint offline) as AVA's , who play will know
- At die press F1, F2, F3 to select the character Class Patch Information
- INGAT! Setiap kali anda main, game ini pasti akan main online! Untuk main Offline, tekan ESC, lalu pilih Lan Game!
- Size: 339 MB
- Output: OpenGL
- Size: 1024 * 768
- Minimum: 512 MB RAM
Mediafire (100 MB) | Part 1
Mediafire (100 MB) | Part 2
Mediafire (100 MB) | Part 3
Mediafire (39 MB) | Part 4
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